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Support for website owners

Many of the things you'll take for granted about your website later may appear strange or complex at first.  They're not really, but these pages try to help you over some of the most common difficulties new website owners face.

If the support topics below don't help, give us a call.

What we know about you

Your Browser: , v0

Your IP addr:

We might need this information if you report a problem to us.

Visitor stats: Google Analytics

Visitor statisticsWe usually configure websites to provide visitor statistics using Google Analytics, a comprehensive and highly visual way to see how your website is performing.  We'll do all the setting up for you but this section reminds you where and how to get to your statistics and a very brief explanation of what you can see there.

How to see your visitor statistics.


Using webmailAbbeydale hosting accounts provide web access to your domain based email.  You can send and receive email from anywhere with an internet connection even if you don't have your own computer of tablet to hand.

Find out how to use Webmail

Google My Business

For many search categories, and especially where you include a town or postcode in your search, Google will return a few ads first, a couple of natural search results, and then a map with pointers to local businesses which match your search.

To get yourself and your website into these local results you need to set up a local business listing. It only takes a few minutes and it's free. Its well worth doing for any business or organisation with a local client base.

Social media

Love it or hate it, its just another way of communicating.  For some people its a way of life, for others its the worst time waster imaginable.  But if you're in business, you can't ignore it.

We can offer advice on how social media can help your business, and depending what will work best for you, we can set up the relevant widgets on your website, or point you in the direction of experts who can manage a social media campaign for you.

page last updated: 02/12/2014

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